TEASER: Why We Loved Sierra Games
 King’s Quest 2015: An Opinionated Review
 by a crotchety Sierra fan who remembers 1984

King's Quest MMXV:
An Opinionated Review:
by a crotchety Sierra fan who remembers 1984

Yeah, it’s been awhile, but I have some big things coming soon.

For Sierra adventure game fans, or anybody interested in video game history, or game design, or the new King’s Quest reboot, here are 3 teasers/trailers for my upcoming video “review”.

Why We Loved Sierra Games:
King’s Quest MMXV: An Opinionated Review by a crotchety Sierra fan who remembers 1984

“Review” might not be the correct word, but “documentary”, “retrospective”, “game design analysis”, all seem to not be quite right. Hence, 3 teasers to try to convey what this thing is.

YouTube PlayList for all 3 teasers (or watch inline below):

Black Hole:


Dem Bones:

This will be released soon, possibly this week. I appreciate all help spreading the word about these. The Sierra fan community is hard to reach, and I don’t have any significant social media presence.

Copyright © PlayControl Software / Eric Wing